Frankfort, IL

Find Your Perfect Fence At Illinois Fence Company
The Highest Rated Fence Company in Frankfort, IL

Frankfort, il Fence Permit Guidelines

​Are you thinking about hiring a fence company for your next project? ​The Village of Frankfort, Illinois requires that you obtain a fence permit if you are planning to replace an existing fence, or have a new fence installed. The first step in securing a fence permit is to fill out and submit a completed building permit application. You will also have to submit a Plat of Survey showing exactly where you plan to have the fence installed as it relates to your property lines. The Village of Frankfort, IL will want to know details about the proposed fence installation, such as the height of the fence, the style you plan to use, and a drawing depicting what the fence will look like once installed. Please keep in mind that various subdivisions require HOA approval, so make sure to check with your homeowners' association to find out if permission is required. Most local fence companies know these rules and requirements as well. If it's necessary, you will need to submit the approval letter with your application. As we will discuss later, the fence company that you have selected to do the work must be registered to complete fence installations in the Village of Frankfort, Illinois.

Licensed Fence Contractors — Frankfort, Illinois

​​It is essential to know that before you select a fence company to complete work on your next project that you verify they are registered and licensed to complete fence installations in the Village of Frankfort, IL. Fence companies and contractors are not allowed to install fences within the city limits without first being licensed with the village. Your application for the fence permit will get denied if you end up choosing a fence company not licensed with the city. Licensed fence contractors are less likely to have work injury claims or install fences that do not meet the minimum code standards set forth by the village. Please keep in mind, that just because you are using a licensed fence contractor, that the Village of Frankfort does not guarantee the quality or level of craftsmanship used during the fence installation process. It is highly advisable that as you are reviewing local fence companies, that you check references and drive around your subdivision to look at other fences the company has installed in your area.

Good Repair Requirement for Frankfort, il fences

​You may need the help of local fence companies over the course of the lifetime of your fence. Whether you are having a new fence installed or an existing one replaced, you need to keep your fence in what the Village of Frankfort calls "Good Repair." According to the villages' fence guidelines documentation, you must properly maintain your fence, and keep it structurally sound at all times. You need to keep your fence in a "neat, clean, presentable and attractive condition." If an inspection takes place and your fence does not meet the villages' minimum standards of codes, they will notify you by mail, and you have 30 days to make necessary repairs and improvements. Should you fail to comply with these demands, the Frankfort Code Official will file a complaint against you as the homeowner, under the rules of the Circuit Court of Will County. The good news is here at Illinois Fence Company we can help ensure that your fence installation is done right the first time so that you can avoid costly repairs or changes in the future.

Swimming Pool Fences in frankfort, illinois

​​Do you need a local fence company to install a fence around your pool? As a resident of the Village of Frankfort, whether you own an inground or above ground swimming pool, if the pool depth is more than 18 inches deep, you must install a fence that surrounds the entire pool. According to the village of Frankfort, Illinois, the fence must be a minimum of 4 feet tall, but not too exceed 5 feet in height. Please keep in mind the safety and security of the gate mechanism during the fence installation process surrounding the pool area. Nowadays, many fence companies in Frankfort can install self-closing and self-latching gates, which provide higher levels of protection if you have small children.

Still Have Questions about your new fence in the village of frankfort, il?

If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming fence installation with Illinois Fence Company, please feel free to call, text, or email us at any time. If you need to speak with the Village of Frankfort, please see their contact details below and reach out to them directly.

Village of Frankfort, illinois Resources

Village of Frankfort, IL - Official Website

Frankfort, IL Wikipedia
Learn More About Frankfort

Official Frankfort, Illinois Facebook Page

Official US Census - Frankfort Village, Illinois

Frankfort, IL Chamber of Commerce

Frankfort, IL Area Historical Society

Map of Frankfort, Illinois
Map of Frankfort

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