The Building Commissioner of the Village of Worth strongly suggests on their website that residents need to make sure they have the fence installation done by a trained professional. When selecting a local fence company, it is a good idea to ask if the company is licensed, bonded, and insured. You will usually find that companies who are not, often offer their services at lower prices. But then the responsibility and liability will fall on you if something goes wrong. All local fence companies doing business in the Village of Worth must register with the city before starting any work. If you are unsure whether or not a fence contractor is licensed to do business inside the city limits, you can contact the Villages' Building Department for more information.
Please keep in mind, before you have a fence company start the installation process, you will need to obtain a fence permit from the Building Department. I repeat you cannot have a fence installed without a license. The fence permitting process is designed to protect the outcome and investment of your next fence project. It also is aimed at protecting you against any injury or lawsuits that may arise from things not going as planned during the fence installation process. The Village of Worth also has inspectors on staff to make sure the project is done correctly from start to finish. They want to ensure the fence contractor installs the fence up to code. Upon successful completion of the fence installation process, the Village of Worth will send out another inspector for the final inspection.
At this point in the process, you have selected a local fence contractor to complete the fence installation, and you are ready to start the fence permitting application process. You can visit the Village of Worths' website to download a PDF copy of the permit application (see links below). The Village is going to want necessary details, such as your name, address, phone number. But they are also going to want to contact details of the fence company you have selected to complete the work. They will also want to know what type of fence you plan to have installed and even the proposed height of the fence. The Building Department also wants to know the estimated cost of the fence. You will need to submit a copy of your Plat of Survey showing exactly where you plan to have the fence installed as it relates to your property boundaries.
When it comes to the fence installation process in the Village of Worth, the maximum allowable height of your fence is six feet tall. When the fence contractor digs the post holes, they must be 36 inches deep into the ground from the grade of your yard. You are allowed to install fence materials such as wood, vinyl, or chain link. You are not allowed to install barbed wire fences for any reason. They are strictly prohibited. If you do plan to have chain link fencing installed, you need to make sure that the sharp points are directed downward towards the ground. The fence company must install the finished side of the fence, facing outward toward your neighbors' property. You must keep all fence posts, and 2x4's in the interior of the yard during the fence installation. You are allowed to install a fence within 6 inches of the property line. Make sure the fence is not on your neighbors' property for any reason. The fence cannot extend past the front of your house.
Please keep in mind, if your property is on a corner lot, there are special rules and regulations you must adhere to during the fence installation process. Most fence companies are aware of these rules. But it's a good idea to bring in your Plat of Survey to talk with someone from the Building Department before making plans to have a fence installed. There are also special rules and regulations when it comes to easements. If you plan to have a fence installed on or over an easement, you need to understand that if your service provider needs to access that area, this will be done so at the owners' expense. Should Village of Worth employees or service providers cause damage to your fence during routine maintenance, they will not pay for the repair of your fence. The Village or service providers will not be held liable for any damage caused to your fence. It's a good idea to have your fence contractor install removable fence sections in these areas to prevent you from incurring any additional expense in the future.
If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming fence installation with Illinois Fence Company, please feel free to call, text, or email us at any time. If you need to speak with the Village of Worth, please see their contact details below and reach out to them directly.
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